The climate change has become a global issue, but it doesn`t meant we couldn`t participate to solve the matter, we don`t have to thinks a big problems, but we could start from the small things and start from now.
Ther are many our typical day impacting to climate change, and sometimes we don`t realize that.
Many points we could do to contribute and reduce the climate change fenomena.
Description congruent by alphabet A-Z are:
A ct, now
B uy, energy efficient appliances
C alculate, your personal foot print and cut your green house emmision
D ebate, discusse and distribute leaflets, brochures and posters on climate change and health
E njoy the sun, use sun energy water heater
F ridge, don`t allow your refrigerator open in long time
G o green use, enviro friendly equipment
H alf, your emission
I nvolve, your family, friends, children and neighbours
J oin, an eviromental groups and find know what they act to reduce climate change
K eep going and consist to give information about climate change to other people
L amps, use energy saver bulb
M inimize, chemicals and poison materials
N etwork
O ff, your electronic devices when not use
P lant, trees
Q uit, plastic bag stop using poly bag when you shopping
R ecycle, reduce, repair and reuse
S ave, paper
T ravel, smart, wisely traveling by aeroplane, its significant contribute at carbon dioxide gas.
U se less, energy and conserve more it
V alue waste, by sparate organic and un organic rubbish
W rite letters, about health impact of climate change to the local news paper
X press, your concern on environment health issue and solutions and stay informed
Y our, president, parliementarian needs to know about the impact of climate change on health
Z oom, in reducing emission
publis by indonesia health department and W H O
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