Since the nations of the world converged in bali to try and acquiescent an agreement on how to reduce the trigger of global warming, the scientist of climate detected for many years that humanity life style are affecting the earth temperature and predicted dangerous consequences if we do nothing.
The serious trigger is carbon dioxide, if we continue to burn fossil fuels such as oil and coal, its mean we contributed irreversible damage to our precious environment.
Although we worrying it might be, the situation is far from hopeless, while the challenge needs to be faced by government and industry, but there are many things we can all do to alleviate the threat of climate change and many of the actions we can take to reduce CO2 emissions can save us money as well as helping save the earth.
But what exactly can we do to reduce our carbon footprint?
Here are few ideas to do that.
- Recycling : product made from recycled materials will reduce, carbon emissions because they use less energy to manufacture than products made from new materials. As an example: recycling paper saves tree and lets them continue to reduce climate change naturally.
- Lighting : the energy efficient bulbs help fight climate change because they reduce the amount of fossil fuels that utilities burn and we can save 45 kg of carbon for each incandescent bulb you replace with energy saver bulb.
- Shopping : when we shopping preferable we buy local product because if we buy product from other side of the world , we can imagine how much fuel fossil burn to distributing the stuff.
- Air conditioning : we can easily install a programmable thermostat that can save money and carbon and also turn off the AC when we go on bed or leave the house.
- Travel : aeroplane are heavy emitters of CO2 and the airline industry development impacting of global warming, so if you skip one round trip flight a year, you do your bit to help.
So do you think, we can help and save our planet?
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