Friday, April 11, 2008

Influence of climate change to human health quality

WHO ( World Health Organisation) declared the 7 april as world health day, the commemoration meant to awaken awareness of global health issue as a consequences of climate change.

In 2008 theme selected by WHO is "Protecting Health from Climate Change", why They lifted topics about climate change? , cause this issue heating to be discussed by international member.

Recently the world surprised by slided a huge ices block in antartik which is broadness 2/3 of jakarta (metropol in indonesia), it`s mean the natural phenomenon prove that anxiety of climate change dispited by global warming happened.

Other natural phenomena detected by scientist is increasing temperature on the earth, as effect of increas carbon dioxide gas in the athmosfer as a result usage of fossil fuel by factories and vehicles uncontroled, so sun ultra violet radiation which step into earth snared and cannot return back, and known as green house effect.

The estimated carbon dioxide gas rate in athmosfer reached 385 ppm in 2006, its shown significant increases currently 650.000 years, and in last 12 years (1996-2007) noted as hottest year pursuant to report measurement of global surface temperature and IPCC (International Panel of Climate Change), in 2100 global temperature predicted will grow up 1,8-4 degree celcius.

Increasing of sea water temperature also effected to tidal wave dispite by insrease of sea surface.

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