Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Is climate change contribute dengue endemic

What is dengue fever?
After malaria dengue is one of tropical illness affecting travellers, dengue caused by virus and spread by an infected mosquito having bites and consumpt of your blood.

The mosquito has adapted to specipically live in our lively hood and always bites during the day in the 3 hours around dawn and the 3 hours around sunset.

Dengue symptoms are headache, severe muscle and breakbone fever, rash and fever, the whole illness coming on very suddenly.

Dengue often seems to get better than comes back again hence another name for it is saddle back fever, usually the worst syptomps are over in a week, however many people get a milder version.

More severe form of dengue called dengue haemorrhagic fever with bleeding into the skin and other organs.

We can avoid getting dengue, it is not easy but possible by:
  • sleep with a bed net
  • treat your clothes with a repellent
  • screened our houses
  • keep covered in the day
  • use an effective repellent
  • use an insecticide in the rooms
  • remove mosquito brending sites
Dengue is very real nuisance but rarely leaves any lasting problems, and climate change is causing higher average temperatures in most places, and affect common patterns of dry and wet periods.

Monday, March 3, 2008


There are many kind of pollutions such as air pollution, water pollution and even sound pollution.

People say pollution is the product of civilization, and today pollution has became public enemy number one, pollution is very serious problem in the world, it seems our living quality is getting down every day, it hurts every one`s healt and the environment, that`s why environment
organization recomended the environment protection bureau to higher level.

It is everybody`s responsibility to protect their health and environment from being polluted.

Typical of Earthquakes

Huge effect of powerful earthquake hits, in the city or in the village are destruction of building and public infrastructure, thats why to reduce the risk we should know where is our position when an earthquake happens.

If on the beach there is possibility that a tsunami may occur and if on the hill or mountain there is possibility landslide may occur.

Earthquake could generate a tsunami if its occurs beneath the sea, not only batters coastal areas but can reach saveral kilometres inland.

Seismologist detected there are 3 types of earthquake.
  • Volcanic earthquake despite by volcanic activity causing tectonic plates to move
  • Tectonic earthquake despite by movements of tectonic plates, with a sudden elastic rebound of energy
  • Induced earthquake despite by the release of energzy from other sources such as usage of explosives

The large segments of the earth' crusts are tectonic plates, violent displacement can happens of the eart's crust, during friction the boundaries of the plates exceeds a certain level.

Seismologist use the richter scale to measure the magnitude of an earthquake and to show the intensity they use the mercalli scale and the tools used to measure is called seismografh.

Earthquakes have claimed a lots of victims in the world.